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Affichage des articles du novembre, 2017

Lords, priests, minstrels, craftsmen, soldiers and peasants. Why nationalists fail and keep failing. And how they would win if they understood social complementarity.

I spent quite a lot of time listening to all political factions and I am usually stunned by the lack of vision of nationalist radicals. So if one of you is reading, I want to explain you why you fail. I'm not convinced that you can get the intellectual strength to overcome the fundamental reasons of your failure though. Your fight isn't about left vs right. Your fight is about changing the culture. You correctly identified that the left is controlling the culture, but the usual answer is to say that leftists are degenerates and to advocate for beta males to go to the gym to get muscles and testosterone. Well, this doesn't work and will never work. To move forward with your fight in this era where the mood of the population is receptive, you must start thinking in terms of complementarity . The science is clear, women love muscular Alpha males. But also bohemians with a guitar Here is a simplified structure of the society Title Lo...